Learning from a Pandemic. The Impact of COVID-19 on Education Around the World

This introductory chapter sets the stage for the book, explaining the goals, methods, and significance of the comparative study. The chapter situates the theoretical significance of the study with respect to research on education and inequality and argues that the rare, rapid, and massive change in the social context of schools caused by the pandemic […]
Big Data is Decision Science: the Case of Covid-19 Vaccination

Big Data is Decision Science: the Case of Covid-19 Vaccination Data science has been proven to be an important asset to support better decision-making in a variety of settings, whether it is for a scientist to better predict climate change, for a company to better predict sales, or for a government to anticipate voting preferences. […]
Citizens’ Opinions and Experiences with Government Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic in Viet Nam

Citizens’ Opinions and Experiences with Government Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic in Viet Nam The working paper “Citizens’ Opinions and Experiences with Government Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic in Viet Nam” was conducted by the Mekong Development Research Institute (MDRI) and UNDP in the last quarter of 2020. It aims to understand how the Vietnamese citizens have perceived and experienced the measures to […]
Assessment of the COVID-19 Socio-Economic Impact on Vulnerable Households and Household Businesses in Viet Nam

Assessment of the COVID-19 Socio-Economic Impact on Vulnerable Households and Household Businesses in Viet Nam The report findings highlight that: (i) Since April 2020, as a result of the pandemic, the employment of 63% surveyed households were affected (family members were laid off, had a temporary break from work, suffered from reduced working hours, and […]
An Exploratory Study on the Emergency Remote Education Experience of Higher Education Students and Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

An Exploratory Study on the Emergency Remote Education Experience of Higher Education Students and Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic situation has pushed many higher education institutions into a fast-paced, and mostly unstructured, emergency remote education process. In such an unprecedented context, it is important to understand how technology is mediating the educational […]
Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020 – Reversals of Fortune

Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020 – Reversals of Fortune INTRODUCTION The Poverty and Shared Prosperity series provides a global audience with the latest and most accurate estimates on trends in global poverty and shared prosperity. For more than two decades, extreme poverty was steadily declining. Now, for the first time in a generation, the quest […]
Global Economics Prospects

Global Economics Prospects Although the global economy is emerging from the collapse triggered by the pandemic, the recovery is projected to be subdued. Global economic output is expected to expand 4 percent in 2021 but still remain more than 5 percent below its pre-pandemic trend. Moreover, there is a material risk that setbacks in containing […]
Fragile States Index Annual Report 2020

Fragile States Index Annual Report 2020 The Fund for Peace 2020 Twenty-three percent of the world’s population live in fragile and conflict-affected states and territories (FCS), generating 2.7% global GDP (OECD 2020). FCS have made least progress in development outcomes to meet Sustainable Development Goals on hunger, health, gender equality and among others. Conflicts have […]
Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India 2020 – Update: Meeting the Challenges of COVID-19

Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India 2020 – Update: Meeting the Challenges of COVID-19 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), (2020) The Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India is a bi-annual publication on regional economic growth, development and regional integration in Emerging Asia. It focuses on the economic conditions of […]