Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies in Asia and the Pacific
Asian Development Bank (2018)
This report explores how resilience thinking can strengthen public policy to enable the transformation towards sustainable societies envisaged by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific region.
The report takes stock of the changing nature of risk in Asia and the Pacific, and the stresses, shocks, and opportunities that are affecting a diverse region’s prospects for achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs). It quantifies the effects of selected natural hazards, commodity shocks, and pollution shocks on the region’s fundamental human systems. It highlights practical efforts being made by citizens, civil society, government, and the private sector to build resilience capacities. It urges attention to the need to strengthen our ability to transform our societies if we are to achieve the SDGs. This joint report is a contribution to the ongoing regional and global dialogue on pathways to achieving sustainable development.
For more information, please read the full report at Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies in Asia and the Pacific
Ref: Jacob et al. (2018). Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies in Asia and the Pacific. Asian Development Bank.