Fiscal Decentralization and Gender Equality in Developing Economies: Dynamics of Income Groups in Economies and Corruption

Fiscal Decentralization and Gender Equality in Developing Economies: Dynamics of Income Groups in Economies and Corruption A large number of studies on fiscal decentralization have supported the claim that decentralized governments have a greater capacity to approach local preferences and have greater potential for public service delivery, which demonstrates a favorable status of socioeconomic indicators. […]
Making Every Woman and Girl Count: 2017 annual report: Planning phase
The 2017 annual report of the flagship programme initiative, Making Every Woman and Girl Count (MEWGC), provides an overview of the key achievements during the reporting period, including a review of activities and progress in implementing the MEWGC programme at the global, regional, and national levels. It also contains an update on resource mobilization and […]
Perceptions of Gender Disparities in Vietnam’s Labor Market

Perceptions of Gender Disparities in Vietnam’s Labor Market In the context of Vietnam’s impressive economic growth over the last two decades, several studies have documented gender disparities, but few have studied the underlying constraints that drive the disparities. The Vietnamese government is working to increase its support to job seekers. To help fill the knowledge […]
Fostering Women’s Entrepreneurship in ASEAN: Transforming Prospects, Transforming Societies

Fostering Women’s Entrepreneurship in ASEAN: Transforming Prospects, Transforming Societies Social Development Division of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (2017) This study examines the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in the ASEAN subregion. ASEAN has emerged as the most successful grouping in Asia and Pacific with gradual deepening of […]
Negotiating gender equity in the Global South: The politics of domestic violence policy

Negotiating gender equity in the Global South: The politics of domestic violence policy Sohela Nazneen, Sam Hickey, Eleni Sifaki, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group (2019) The fact that women have achieved higher levels of political inclusion within low- and middle-income countries has generated much speculation about whether this is reaping broader benefits in tackling gender-based […]
Country Gender Assessment of Agriculture and the Rural Sector in Vietnam

Country Gender Assessment of Agriculture and the Rural Sector in Vietnam The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2019) The Country Gender Assessment (CGA) was commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) from October 2017 to February 2018 as a way to gauge Viet Nam’s progress in achieving […]
The Gender Wealth Gap by Household Head in Vietnam

The Gender Wealth Gap by Household Head in Vietnam Duc Hong Vo; Phuong Doan Ho; Chi Minh Ho; Michael McAleer, Advances in Decision Sciences, Asia University, Taiwan (2019) While the gender income gap has been examined extensively, the gender wealth gap has largely been ignored, especially for emerging markets such as Vietnam. The lack of […]