Exploring Effects of Perceived Justice and Motivation on Satisfaction in Higher Education

Exploring Effects of Perceived Justice and Motivation on Satisfaction in Higher Education For many Vietnamese students, the national high school graduation examination is one of the most important exams in their lives, transitioning from high school to tertiary education. Considering that the national examination is exceptionally important for admission of higher education, failure of management […]
The cycle of commodification: migrant labour, welfare, and the market in global China and Vietnam

China and Vietnam have experienced waves of labour and welfare reform since both countries shifted to market socialism, pursuing a development model that depends on the labour of millions of rural–urban migrants in global factories. Their similar development trajectories are productive for theorizing the relationship between labour and welfare. This article conceptualises the two countries’ […]
Impact of institutional quality on sustainable development: Evidence from developing countries

Efficient environmental resource management is a serious concern for sustainable development in developing countries. This study determines the impact of institutional quality on sustainable development, based on total factor productivity improvements through the environmental regulatory process by way of abatement policies using an augmented endogenous sustainable growth model. Based on panel data covering 66 developing […]
The Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Asia and Their Digitalization Responses

The Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Asia and Their Digitalization Responses Soon after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments began extending financial and other forms of support to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and their workers because smaller firms are more vulnerable to negative shocks […]
Enhancing SME Participation in Global Value Chains: Determinants, Challenges, and Policy Recommendations

Enhancing SME Participation in Global Value Chains: Determinants, Challenges, and Policy Recommendations Achieving inclusive economic growth is one of the most pressing issues on the policy agenda for the 21st century. Promoting the development and internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is vital, given their economic prominence in many countries, and can increase productivity and […]
The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty and Income Inequality in Developing Countries

The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty and Income Inequality in Developing Countries Economic growth in developing countries provides an opportunity to accelerate progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially on a slight decline in inequality. However, in reality, the number of people living in extreme poverty remains unacceptably high. Utilising the experiences of […]
Mind the Gap: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities for Social Enterprise in Vietnam

Mind the Gap: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities for Social Enterprise in Vietnam Social enterprise is a maturing area of activity within the development sector, and in Vietnam the sector has expanded significantly over the last thirty years, providing social services to communities and individuals experiencing socio-economic exclusion. Initially growing in a legislative vacuum, social […]
Fragile States Index Annual Report 2020

Fragile States Index Annual Report 2020 The Fund for Peace 2020 Twenty-three percent of the world’s population live in fragile and conflict-affected states and territories (FCS), generating 2.7% global GDP (OECD 2020). FCS have made least progress in development outcomes to meet Sustainable Development Goals on hunger, health, gender equality and among others. Conflicts have […]
Academic Governance and Leadership in Vietnam: Trends and Challenges

Academic Governance and Leadership in Vietnam: Trends and Challenges Jamil Salmi, Ly Thi Pham, Journal of International and Comparative Education (2019) This paper provides a review of academic governance and leadership in Vietnam at both the national and institutional levels, focusing more on the public sector. It also provides an analysis of new policy developments […]
Parliaments and the SDGs: A self- assessment toolkit

Parliaments and the SDGs: A self- assessment toolkit UNDP (2018) The toolkit is designed to enable parliamentarians to identify good practices, gaps, opportunities, and lessons learned. That will equip parliamentarians to effectively institutionalize the new agenda and mainstream the various goals into the legislative process. The toolkit is not prescriptive. It has been designed to […]
How to Build a National Multidimensional Poverty Index

How to Build a National Multidimensional Poverty Index Sabina Alkire, Adriana Conconi, Mónica Pinilla-Roncancio, and Ana Vaz, United Nations Development Programme and Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, University of Oxford (2019) This joint handbook by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), University of Oxford, provides practical […]