The cycle of commodification: migrant labour, welfare, and the market in global China and Vietnam

China and Vietnam have experienced waves of labour and welfare reform since both countries shifted to market socialism, pursuing a development model that depends on the labour of millions of rural–urban migrants in global factories. Their similar development trajectories are productive for theorizing the relationship between labour and welfare. This article conceptualises the two countries’ […]
Migration and Poverty: Toward Better Opportunities for the Poor

Migration and Poverty: Toward Better Opportunities for the Poor Murrugarra, Edmundo; Larrison, Jennica; Sasin, Marcin, The World Bank (2011) Migration has historically been a source of opportunities for people to improve their lives and those of their families. Today, the large differences in income between places-particularly countries-continue to motivate individuals to escape poverty through migration. […]
Migrants and their vulnerability to human trafficking, modern slavery and forced labour

Migrants and their vulnerability to human trafficking, modern slavery and forced labour The report explores various sites of vulnerability where migrants are particularly susceptible to human trafficking, forced labour and modern slavery. These include private dwellings, border crossings, irregular migration routes and conflict zones. The report illustrates that migrants are most vulnerable to exploitation in […]
Risks and rewards – Outcomes of labor migration in South-East Asia

Risks and rewards – Outcomes of labor migration in South-East Asia Benjamin Harkins, Daniel Lindgren, Tarinee Suravoranon, International Labor Organization (2018) During the last two decades, labor migration has emerged as a significant driver of economic growth and development in both countries of origin and destination within ASEAN. It is estimated that there are currently […]
World Migration Report 2015 Migrants and cities: new partnerships to manage mobility.

World Migration Report 2015 Migrants and cities: new partnerships to manage mobility. June J.H. Lee, Jill Helke, Frank Laczko, International Organization for Migration (2015) The report focuses on migrants and how migration is shaping cities and the situation of migrants in cities. While much of the current international discussion about migration trends and migration policy […]