Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy

Characteristics of the Vietnamese rural economy – Evidence from a 2016 rural household survey in 12 provinces of Viet Nam Following the successful implementation of the Doi Moi reform programme, Viet Nam has experienced outstanding economic progress, for example in aggregate output and poverty reduction. For many years, Viet Nam developed much faster than the […]
Poverty: A central barrier to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Poverty is one of the central elements in the transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda: leave no one behind. Ending poverty in all forms and everywhere is the first Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and much can be discussed about its impact on several other sustainability elements. In this context, this paper explores the role of […]
A guidebook on Mapping Poverty through Data integration and Artificial intelligence

A guidebook on mapping poverty through data integration and artificial intelligence In 2017, The Asian Development Bank (ADB) dispatched the information support technical assistance project called Data for Development that aims to strengthen the capacity of national statistics offices to meet the increasing data demands for policymaking and monitoring of development goals and targets. One […]
Sustainable Tourism and Poverty Reduction in Selected ASEAN Member Countries

Sustainable Tourism and Poverty Reduction in Selected ASEAN Member Countries Examining the impact of revenues from the tourism sector on poverty reduction in selected members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), including Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, is the primary objective of this study. The Bayesian Structural Time Series (BSTS) model and the regression […]
A Guidebook on Mapping Poverty through Data Integration and Artificial Intelligence

A Guidebook on Mapping Poverty through Data Integration and Artificial Intelligence In 2017, The Asian Development Bank (ADB) dispatched the information support technical assistance project called Data for Development that aims to strengthen the capacity of national statistics offices to meet the increasing data demands for policymaking and monitoring of development goals and targets. One […]
Experience in Poverty Reduction in the World and Lesson for Vietnam

Experience in Poverty Reduction in the World and Lesson for Vietnam Vietnam is a country that is considered to have certain successes in poverty reduction. However, poverty is still very concerned and is always one of the hot issues of society. Through the study of documents, this article aims to learn about effective poverty reduction […]
The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty and Income Inequality in Developing Countries

The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty and Income Inequality in Developing Countries Economic growth in developing countries provides an opportunity to accelerate progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially on a slight decline in inequality. However, in reality, the number of people living in extreme poverty remains unacceptably high. Utilising the experiences of […]
World Development Report 2021: Data For Better lives

World Development Report 2021: Data For Better lives Today’s unprecedented growth of data and their ubiquity in our lives are signs that the data revolution is transforming the world. And yet much of the value of data remains untapped. Data collected for one purpose have the potential to generate economic and social value in applications far beyond those originally anticipated. But many barriers stand in […]
Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020 – Reversals of Fortune

Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020 – Reversals of Fortune INTRODUCTION The Poverty and Shared Prosperity series provides a global audience with the latest and most accurate estimates on trends in global poverty and shared prosperity. For more than two decades, extreme poverty was steadily declining. Now, for the first time in a generation, the quest […]
Migration and Poverty: Toward Better Opportunities for the Poor

Migration and Poverty: Toward Better Opportunities for the Poor Murrugarra, Edmundo; Larrison, Jennica; Sasin, Marcin, The World Bank (2011) Migration has historically been a source of opportunities for people to improve their lives and those of their families. Today, the large differences in income between places-particularly countries-continue to motivate individuals to escape poverty through migration. […]
Poverty Reduction in Vietnam: Achievements and Challenges

Poverty Reduction in Vietnam: Achievements and Challenges In retrospect, Vietnam has indeed gained impressive achievements in poverty reduction. Broad-based economic growth has improved the well-being of almost everyone in the entire population. The General Statistical Office estimates that the poverty rate fell consistently from 58 percent in 1993 to 37.4 percent in 1998, 28.9 percent […]
A Comprehensive Analysis of Poverty in India

A Comprehensive Analysis of Poverty in India This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of poverty in India. It shows that regardless of which of the two official poverty lines we use, we see a steady decline in poverty in all states and for all social and religious groups. Accelerated growth between fiscal years 2004–2005 and […]
Made in poverty – The true price of fashion

Made in poverty – The true price of fashion Groundbreaking research conducted by Oxfam has exposed the undeniable truth behind the clothes being sold in shops across Australia: workers are trapped in a cycle of poverty, no matter how hard they work. This research — the first in-depth investigation of its kind into the lives […]
Persistent Malnutrition in Ethnic Minority Communities of Vietnam : Issues and Options for Policy and Interventions

Persistent Malnutrition in Ethnic Minority Communities of Vietnam : Issues and Options for Policy and Interventions Mbuya, Nkosinathi V. N. Atwood, Stephen J. Huynh, Phuong Nam, The World Bank (2019) Seventy-five percent of Vietnam’s ethnic minorities live in 45 of the country’s 63 provinces, which are located in the country’s northern mountain and central highlands […]
Inflation in Emerging and Developing Economies : Evolution, Drivers and Policies

Inflation in Emerging and Developing Economies: Evolution, Drivers and Policies Ha, Jongrim Kose, M. Ayhan Ohnsorge, Franziska, The World Bank (2019) Emerging market and developing economies, like advanced economies, have experienced a remarkable decline in inflation over the past half-century. Yet, research into this development has focused almost exclusively on advanced economies. This book fills […]