Increasing faculty’s competence in digital accessibility for inclusive education: a systematic literature review

Increasing faculty’s competence in digital accessibility for inclusive education: a systematic literature review The use of information and communications technology (ICT) in higher education institutions has increased in the past 20 years. While ICT has brought many benefits to students and faculty, research shows that it also creates barriers and challenges for students with disabilities […]
Big Data is Decision Science: the Case of Covid-19 Vaccination

Big Data is Decision Science: the Case of Covid-19 Vaccination Data science has been proven to be an important asset to support better decision-making in a variety of settings, whether it is for a scientist to better predict climate change, for a company to better predict sales, or for a government to anticipate voting preferences. […]
AI Technologies for Education: Recent Research & Future Directions

AI Technologies for Education: Recent Research & Future Directions From unique educational perspectives, this article reports a comprehensive review of selected empirical studies on artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) published in 1993–2020, as collected in the Web of Sciences database and selected AIEd-specialized journals. A total of 40 empirical studies met all selection criteria, and […]
A guidebook on Mapping Poverty through Data integration and Artificial intelligence

A guidebook on mapping poverty through data integration and artificial intelligence In 2017, The Asian Development Bank (ADB) dispatched the information support technical assistance project called Data for Development that aims to strengthen the capacity of national statistics offices to meet the increasing data demands for policymaking and monitoring of development goals and targets. One […]
An Exploratory Study on the Emergency Remote Education Experience of Higher Education Students and Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

An Exploratory Study on the Emergency Remote Education Experience of Higher Education Students and Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic situation has pushed many higher education institutions into a fast-paced, and mostly unstructured, emergency remote education process. In such an unprecedented context, it is important to understand how technology is mediating the educational […]
Transnational Experience and High-performing Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Vietnam

Transnational Experience and High-performing Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Vietnam Do high-performing entrepreneurs in the technology sector in emerging economies have more, or different, transnational experience than the founders of high-performing non-technology businesses? Employing Vietnam as a case study, we find that they do; the founders of high-performing technology-oriented businesses are 15 times more […]
A Guidebook on Mapping Poverty through Data Integration and Artificial Intelligence

A Guidebook on Mapping Poverty through Data Integration and Artificial Intelligence In 2017, The Asian Development Bank (ADB) dispatched the information support technical assistance project called Data for Development that aims to strengthen the capacity of national statistics offices to meet the increasing data demands for policymaking and monitoring of development goals and targets. One […]
Application and Exploration of Artificial Intelligence and Edge Computing in Long – Distance Education on Mobile Network

Application and Exploration of Artificial Intelligence and Edge Computing in Long – Distance Education on Mobile Network In response to the demand for high-quality electronic information talents in the mobile network industry, in the situation of artificial intelligence (AI) to promote technological innovation, this paper conducts an overall design in the target system, curriculum system, […]
World Development Report 2021: Data For Better lives

World Development Report 2021: Data For Better lives Today’s unprecedented growth of data and their ubiquity in our lives are signs that the data revolution is transforming the world. And yet much of the value of data remains untapped. Data collected for one purpose have the potential to generate economic and social value in applications far beyond those originally anticipated. But many barriers stand in […]
Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion in Africa

Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion in Africa Gates Foundation (2019) African governments are at the forefront of efforts to harness digital technologies to build more inclusive economies. Double-digit growth in mobile phone ownership in the first half of this decade has triggered a surge of innovative digital tools and services across the continent. However, the benefits […]
The Limits of Accounting-Based Accountability in Education

The Limits of Accounting-Based Accountability in Education Dan Honig và Lant Pritchett, Center for Global Development (2019) Accountability is rightly at the center of the conversation regarding how to improve governance systems, particularly health and education systems. But efforts to address accountability deficits often focus primarily on improving what can be counted and verified-what we […]