An Exploratory Study on Academic Staff Perception Towards Blended Learning in Higher Education

An Exploratory Study on Academic Staff Perception Towards Blended Learning in Higher Education As the years progresses, higher education has move towards implementing Blended Learning (BL) which is a combination of face-to-face and online mode of teaching and learning which have continued to advance in institutions all over the world. Accordingly, it is important to […]
Learning from a Pandemic. The Impact of COVID-19 on Education Around the World

This introductory chapter sets the stage for the book, explaining the goals, methods, and significance of the comparative study. The chapter situates the theoretical significance of the study with respect to research on education and inequality and argues that the rare, rapid, and massive change in the social context of schools caused by the pandemic […]
Reimagining Internationalization in Higher Education Through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for the Betterment of Society

Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a critical role in creating and distributing the knowledge required to tackle the complex global challenges faced by society today. This role is frequently linked with the concept of the internationalization of higher education, but this concept in practice is also subject to criticism. This article argues that integrating the […]
Perceptions of Gender Disparities in Vietnam’s Labor Market

Perceptions of Gender Disparities in Vietnam’s Labor Market In the context of Vietnam’s impressive economic growth over the last two decades, several studies have documented gender disparities, but few have studied the underlying constraints that drive the disparities. The Vietnamese government is working to increase its support to job seekers. To help fill the knowledge […]
Increasing faculty’s competence in digital accessibility for inclusive education: a systematic literature review

Increasing faculty’s competence in digital accessibility for inclusive education: a systematic literature review The use of information and communications technology (ICT) in higher education institutions has increased in the past 20 years. While ICT has brought many benefits to students and faculty, research shows that it also creates barriers and challenges for students with disabilities […]
Equitable, Quality Education for Ethnic Minority Students? A Case of “Positive Deviance” in Vietnam

Equitable, Quality Education for Ethnic Minority Students? A Case of “Positive Deviance” in Vietnam Vietnam has achieved near-universal access to compulsory schooling over the past two decades. However, inequalities between ethnic majority and minority students are stark at post-compulsory levels, where progression is selective based on academic criteria and ability to pay. In this article, […]
Learning Inequities in Vietnam: Teachers’ Beliefs about and Classroom Practices for Ethnic Minorities

Learning Inequities in Vietnam: Teachers’ Beliefs about and Classroom Practices for Ethnic Minorities Global and national education agendas are concerned with improving quality and equality of learning outcomes. This paper provides an analysis of the case of Vietnam, which is regarded as having high learning outcomes and less inequity in learning. But national data and […]
How do technological changes in formal education shape the social roles of teachers who are mothers?

How do technological changes in formal education shape the social roles of teachers who are mothers? The teaching profession has become more demanding as a result of technology integration in teaching-learning assessment processes. These changes are particularly challenging for teachers-mothers. This study aimed at understanding how technological changes that are integrated in the teaching profession […]
Vietnam’s Human Capital: Remarkable Education Success and Future Challenges

Vietnam’s Human Capital: Remarkable Education Success and Future Challenges Sachiko Kataoka, Le Anh Vinh, Sandhya Kitchlu, Keiko Inoue, The World Bank (2020) Education policymakers around the world marvel at Vietnam’s success in providing access to general education and in boosting learning outcomes. Despite its relatively low level of economic development, Vietnamese students outperform students in […]
Academic Governance and Leadership in Vietnam: Trends and Challenges

Academic Governance and Leadership in Vietnam: Trends and Challenges Salmi, Jamil Pham, Ly Thi Pham, Journal of International and Comparative Education (2019) This paper provides a review of academic governance and leadership in Vietnam at both the national and institutional levels, focusing more on the public sector. It also provides an analysis of new policy […]
Forecasting the Results of Students Attending School in Vietnam by Geographical Area

Forecasting the Results of Students Attending School in Vietnam by Geographical Area Van, Son Huynh Minh, Hong Nguyen Thi Vinh, Khuong Nguyen Vinh, Loc Sam Thien, Vu Giang, International Journal of Education and Practice (2019) This study attempts to forecast the results of school students in Vietnam by geographical region analysis. Results show variations between […]
Entrepreneurial universities and the development model for public universities in Vietnam

Entrepreneurial universities and the development model for public universities in Vietnam Dinh Van ToanAllied Business Academies (2020) This article summarizes and clarifies the theoretical and practical characteristics and elements of entrepreneurial universities. Based on the results of a survey administered to universities and in-depth interviews with administrators and lecturers in management roles at four public […]
School Climate – A Quantitative Study of Middle School Students in Vietnam

School Climate – A Quantitative Study of Middle School Students in Vietnam Thu Huong Tran, Thanh Hue Ngo, Hanh Lien Nguyen, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (2019) This study aimed to understand the general perception of the term ‘school climate’ as well as its specific dimensions using Randolph, Kangas & Ruokamo’s (2009) […]